how can you think when you have voices whispering in your ears?
how can you know anything without experiencing it?
who are you to judge what other do? judge yourself.
judge extensions of yourself, if they give you the right.
or just jet go of all judgement. forget black and white.
get lost in a whirlpool of colour. there are no grey areas.
there is no wrong and right, wipe out all your wounds and scars.
live liberated, uneducated, emasculated, exaggerated, unfated.
leave your ego and pride and self consciousness, leave it un-deliberated.
then, without pre conceived notions and biased emotions
look around and see colour in motion.
bright and individual, separate from situation, consequence or reality
it will give you momentary joy and hope and tranquility
find the colour when you see a beggar child on the road,
find the hue in the white seminaries-so cold
look for a tint in the overflowing landfill
notice the dye in the eyes of the hunter's kill
the pigment in the cars that crowd the streets
the shade of torn, burnt and rejected paper sheets.
and for a moment feel the joy detached from meaning or motion,
and your smile and joy will increase the worlds happiness quotient
insightful! but can ego and pride be left? Wouldn't it be like trying to run away from one's own shadow mistaking it for a ghost? Rather, if we just take a pause and watch the ghost, we'd see the "stuff" our ghost is made of, and it would die a natural death!
ReplyDelete"and for a moment feel the joy detached from meaning or motion, and you're smile and joy will increase the world's happiness quotient", and I'd call it a deep "prayer" truly worth the name!
It is definitely a utopian thought.
ReplyDeleteIt is what a photographer sees through his or her lens.
just colours and shapes and composition detached from situations.